Thursday, July 31, 2008

Plutonic Poison

I just found a lovely article from the Denver Post detailing a pathetic botched experiment which serves as an excellent display of exactly how "clean" nuclear energy/technology really isn't.

According to the Post article:

"The spill occurred on June 9 and involved a sample of plutonium sulfate tetrahydrate, according to the report. The spreading of the contamination began with the researcher and his supervisor directly handling the broken vial on at least two occasions without adequate controls.

"The most probable direct cause of the spread of the contamination outside the laboratory area is the multiple, uncontrolled entries into and exits from the contaminated laboratory after the spill," said the report.

The report said that the release of plutonium into the sanitary sewer system was probably caused by the researcher washing his hands in the sink and failing to make sure the water didn't flow out of the sink.

The report noted that the researcher didn't report washing his hands in the sink until seven days after the spill, or on June 16."

Just one question for the brilliant researchers who are infecting thousands: Really?!

Woman arrested for arresting the detested!

Just read an interesting post on the Viking Youth Power Hour over at, about an Iowa City woman who attempted a citizen's arrest on the treasonous traitor to dignity, former White House adviser Karl Rove. I further went on to read this article from the Gazette.
I was very pleased to see that there are still citizens in this country that believe in their duty to protect their fellow citizens from felonious philanderers who pilfer our form of government of every iota of power from which they can milk it. Turds like rove who attempt to polish themselves with the blood money from endless wars and make excuses for the filth they help produce by lying and obstructing under oath. The current government is rife with the most despicable power mongering despots, desperate to cling the nepotist oligarchy they've heaped up for so long. Now, we the people, are confronted with either being smothered by the festering pile of detritus that passes for the representatives of this great Republic, or take out the trash. Personally, I vote we clean up this place. The filthiest, slimiest, most carcinogenic stuff goes first.
"Good day, Mr Rove! You have the right to remain silent . . ."

Friday, July 25, 2008

McCain the Brain
Just found an AP article on Yahoo, where McCain uses some pun to say that if Barack Obama's plan for Iraq had been inacted, the Mid-East could have been "plunged into war". How oblivious is this dottering fool? THE MID-EAST IS AT WAR, DOLT! For someone so filled with piss, vinegar, and self-righteousness, you'd think Senator McCain would review his statements a bit more carefully. How is his plan helping? Oh, right, by adding more teens with guns to the mix. Genius. Somebody make this man more powerful.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Because, the "Status" is NOT "quo"...

Stop reading this and check out Dr. Horrible!

Stop! Go! There! NOW!!

This psycho-larious creation from Joss Whedon is a wonderfully evil brainchild gone right! I laughed, I winced, I choked on my cereal(actually unrelated to Dr. Horrible, I have an overactive epiglottis)! So now it's your turn! To watch, not choke.

Make sure to watch all three episodes and don't forget to read the Master Plan from Joss himself.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stay with me...

I have no fucking clue who Arienette is, but I always thought Connor was saying "every night". Anyway, maybe it would be cooler if he was saying Arya Stark.

"So, stay with me Arya Stark, 'til the wolves are again."


I am rather obsessively immersed in talking, thinking, reading, gaming, and typing about A Song of Ice and Fire. For those who are not familiar, ASoIaF is the rather lengthy and phenomenal saga by the great George R R Martin. Beginning with A Game of Thrones, this series will totally blow your mind! hahaha!

Well, it may, but it will surely consume your time. I spend at least an hour each day reading and posting at the Tower of the Hand. While I, and thousands of other nerds, patiently await the next novel, discussion and theorizing keep us occupied. I have spread the hunger for Martin's works to many a friend and they all agree: phenomenal writing, incredible storytelling, and vivid descriptions. I loves it!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Breakfast in Atlantis

I have really been blessed by my ability to avoid Hall and Oates today. For the past two days, I have had Rich Girl stuck in my head. I walked around for hours singing, humming, and whistling that bedamnable tune until my wife and friends began threatening my life. This morning I awoke refreshed and determined to rise above the curse of Daryll and John. Of course my only course of action was to replace the song with something better.
Today's Jam: Funk #49 by the James Gang. This track stands head and shoulders above Hall and Oates. I was able to find a couple of great vids that allowed me to hear the track and one that gave me a peak inside the madness of Jodorowsky's Holy Mountain. Holy Crap! I mean, it blew my mind, not that it 's crap. It looks like that crazy acid trip from '73 that I never had.
My next move was to move on to a couple of other options so as not to wear out the kick-assness of Funk #49. The selector rolled on to SuperTramp. No complaints here. I first listened to the Logical Song, then the beginning of Goodbye Stranger. Winding it up with Breakfast in America and a reprise of the Logical Song, I hit the door and I've been bouncin' along ever since. Hall and Oates? Good Riddance! "Goodbye Daryll, goodbye John. I'm much better, without your songs!" hahaha!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Watch'ya, watch'ya, watch'ya want from me?

I think I'm losin my mind this time, this time I'm losin my mind. . .

Thursday, July 3, 2008

X-Day cometh

Bob calls and the X-ists will soon arrive! Ready your fireworks(signal flares) and ready your travel bags if you're a Yetisan. Pinks and Bobbies line-up! Bob's got a deal for you...