Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blix Nibiru: Hangman

This is a video of the Hang singing in Sherwood Forest at Rothbury, an annual festival held in the woods of Rothbury, Michigan. Beautiful music brought forth from that magical shell by my good friend Blix. He is an artist and musician with talent pouring from his fingertips, turning whatever project he gets involved with into a magical representation of his spirit. Let me balance all that gushing flowery speech by saying he's also a real turd(don't want him to get a big head! :) ). Anyway, I've posted a couple of other vids of him playing at Rothbury. Make sure you check out his blog and the closest things I could find to a homepage for Hangs. First, the pages.
Wikipedia has a fairly concise entry here. is another good source of info on Hanghang.
The story behind hang and the concept of it as a musical sculpture make this an amazing instrument and an exceptional artistic endeavor.

Now for the videos!



Mountain Man said...

Very nice - great tones and skill. Is that Bart? Looks a lot like him if not!

Anonymous said...

That is bart!!! Heyyyyyy bart!