Friday, August 28, 2009

A new approach, in hopes of your particpation...

So, because of the recent activity among friends, I wanted to post a thread here for real discourse about ideas that may be a bit inflammatory. Not long ago, I posted a video about a hypothetical philosophy professor who denied the existence of God, allegedly on the sole example of a falling piece of chalk breaking upon impact with the floor. The imaginary Prof asserted that if God were real He would save the chalk from shattering, and if He was not real then all Christians were fools. While there are numerous problems with this hypothetical scenario, the biggest issue is that the root of this video was a cause to bring Christ "back" into our school systems.

How can this position be rationalized? What are the key problems with this concept?

Is there any way that incorporating Christian teachings into American schools is acceptable?

Are professor's the minions of Satan? Did Jesus ride a dinosaur?

Is the world only 9,000 years old?

Is it just a coincidence that God made us so similar to apes? If God created us in his image, does this mean He looks more like apes than frogs? What way are we "in His image"? Why do we use the pronoun He to describe the Universal being which cannot or should not have gender if gender is determined by biological display in the nature of genitals/reproductive organs?

Ok, so some of those are jokes, but what are your thoughts? Don't hold back, but let's try to have an actual dialogue and just name-calling and attacking...

Comment away!!

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